Thursday, July 9, 2009

Appears it is script-kiddies at work

rockford "The ongoing DDoS attacks that have been targeting a series of U.S. government sites as well as some commercial sites is likely not the work of any government organization and is being executed by an old piece of malware that is designed to ruin files on infected PCs rather than steal data, experts say."

So no cyber-terrorism but this still shows that more needs to be done at the governmental and private levels of security!

Read more at digital underground.

With that Info,

Safer Surfing!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Cyber Attack or Cyber Terrorism?

rockford Several South Korean and US Government sites have been attacked since the 4th of July weekend.

"Although the National Intelligence Service did not identify whom they believed responsible, the South Korean news agency Yonhap reported that the spy agency had implicated North Korea or pro-North Korea groups."

Is this just an attack by "script-kiddies" or a serious cyberterrorism attack?  It's time for some action to secure our Governments networks and at the same time secure our own private PC's and networks!

Read more in The New York Times.

With that Info,

Safer Surfing!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Morning Rituals of a Geek

rockfordAs I do every morning, today I got my coffee started and fired up my laptop.  My first stop is to check my mail - need to know if I was important over night!  By the time I've sorted out the spam that did not get filtered and the real mail that did get filtered the coffee pot is calling, so I stop for a cuppa.

First cup down and grab another before getting back to business at hand.  Need to check my tweets - 5 DM's and god knows how many other tweets.  More coffee. Facebook is next!  I play a game of Farkle to try and set a new high score then check up on what has happened in the Facebook world of mine.  Not much, so it's time for another cuppa. (Note to self - get bigger coffee pot!)

Now it's time to check on my forum work at SpywareHammer.  Although there are "How to ....." posts at the top of the forum most people just don't seem to read.  As I shake my head about some of the interesting things I've read it's time for another cuppa. (Coffee pot is empty - start another one)

Now I can check on and read things for fun and or informational virtue.  My Tweetdeck keeps interrupting with new tweets and FB updates so I better check that real quick(and get another cuppa).  Ok, so back to the forums and what do I read in a post there.

Facebook URLs can reveal your browsing history

Huh?  What's this?

Ever copied a Facebook link from your address bar and pasted it to someone? If you have, there’s a possibility you also sent that person a snippet of your Facebook browsing history. In this article, FBHive explains how and why this happens, and what can be done to prevent it.

So I have to leave for now to go and read more here.

With this info,

Safer Surfing!

P.S.  I will buy a bigger coffee pot later today!