Twitter? What is it? Basically it is a two-way communication platform used by people to push out interesting (and not so interesting) ideas
, updates and "news" in 140 characters or less. Yes, that's it - 140 characters to get your idea out to the people that follow you, or not!
Those first two paragraphs look strange but they are two separate Tweets. That’s your limit and they are open to the entire world by default. You personally may want to change that setting to protected so that you are only posting to friends and family.
But why limit yourself to 140 characters when you have to send Tweet after Tweet just to get your info out there? It is the immediacy, the “right now” of Twitter and the worlds need for “sound bites” that makes the Twitter platform useful and interesting.
You will quickly learn to use acronyms or abbreviations. A helpful list can be found here. A funny but sometimes very important list for us “old” folks can be found here.
For now just dive in and have fun! There are many interesting people with interesting stories out there (not me necessarily) to follow. Look for me in the twittersphere under the moniker @mrrockford.
As Don Mills says in The Problem with Young People Today is…,
But for now, I need sustenance and rest – IMHO, IRL and then GFN. (I may have oatmeal, imbibe rye liberally and then go for nap.)
Until next time - Safer Surfing!