Sunday, September 11, 2016

I am Certified!

I have always known I was certifiable but now I am officially a Google Certified Educator!  Here is my proof.


I'm pretty pumped about this.  I have always been good with Google Apps but I was forced to learn about Educational apps that I had never used before.  It was well worth the time spent learning.

Until next time,
Safer Surfing

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

An Infographic

As I travel down this road towards my Master's degree you will be exposed to many of my trials, tests and tribulations.  That said here is something I created for my Technology Tools for Teachers course.

An Infographic:

Until Later,
Safer Surfing!

Monday, August 29, 2016

Pinterest Plug-in for Chrome

Pinterest has grown a massive base of users with millions of “Pins” every day.  As an avid “Pinner” wouldn’t you love it if it was easier to get posts to your board?  Searching for the “Pin It!’ link can take too much time away from browsing for new things to Pin.

So when you are browsing the web make your life easier and use the Pin It extension available on the Chrome webstore.  No need to try to find the sites Pin it link, no need to sign in, no need to stress.
Until next time - Safer Surfing!