Friday, April 18, 2008

Certifying a Geek

rockfordHooray!  I have decided to become the Complete Certified Geek.  More books are here, that means the Sybex and Microsoft Press Gods were at my door.

I already am a Certified Geek.  I have finally taken the time to complete the CompTIA A+ IT Technician Certification. 

Now you might think it would be easy after all my years of destroying, excuse me, building, repairing, upgrading and cleaning my own PCs and networks and those of others, to pass these tests.  That's what I thought until I received my Deluxe Edition Complete Study Guide.  You know, DIY, instead of going to school, so I could save time and money.  There are things that geeks do and talk about that are not in any of the books I could find.  The hardest part of the certification was translating Textbook to Geek and Geek to Textbook but I figured it out and passed.

Now I am on to newer and better things. 

On my way to completing my MCSA/E - Security certification I need to test out on (among others), a Microsoft Operating System.  I have been using XP Professional for quite some time so that should be easy to pass.  This morning I started flipping through my new DIY textbook on XP and lo and behold, there are 5, yes you read that is right, Five, versions of  XP! 

Refresh?  No!  Down right learning is on the schedule now.  I have to test on XP, Server 2003 and CompTIA Security+.  Thank god for caffeine and nicotine!

Safe surfing!

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