Saturday, August 30, 2008

A New Star on the Horizon!

rockfordSpywareHammer is a new and interesting Forum for computer help and staffed by an interesting group of people known throughout the Malware fighting Community, several of them Microsoft MVP's

PCBruiser, an Administrator at SpywareHammer states,

"Our purpose is simple, if your computer system isn't performing as it should ... SpywareHammer is the place to come for help." 

Not only does SpywareHammer have an excellent Malware removal Staff, helping with most every type of malware problem, there is also a very knowledgeable Technical Staff to assist in OS, hardware and non-malware related problems.  When required, the two staffs interact to coordinate their activities and work together where problems span both disciplines. 

So stop by SpywareHammer and check it out.




With that info,

Safe Surfing!

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