Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Windows sucks! Apple sucks! Linux sucks!


Look at the comments in different slanted “news” forums and this is what you will see. How can someone be so rabid? The problem with fanboiism is that it overlooks one thing. Use. Every platform has its use. Just like every tool has its use.

Apple is a great tool for graphics, video and music production, bad for programming. It is the little pink tool bag for use around the house to fix little things, nothing serious unless that is your job.

Windows is a great tool for business office use, bad for artsy-fartsy stuff. It is more like the tool-box out in the garage, a larger assortment of tools that can be used by most anyone.

Linux is great for everything! It is that great big truck full of tools that most people have no idea how to use but once they figure it out they can do anything.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate iPhones or Macs but I don’t have need of the tool set they provide. If I need some fancy artsy-fartsy stuff done, I get someone with a Mac to do it. I will tell you though, I do not like Apple. It is all the old fanboi flame war reasoning - security, cost, walled garden etc. etc.

I don’t hate Windows but I don’t really like Windows either. It is also due to all the fanboi flame war reasoning – security, cost, walled garden etc.etc. Windows does allow me to do most of my work and be able to share it without someone freaking out about something not being able to be opened.

Now we get to Linux. I can honestly say I hate to love Linux or is it love to hate? Whatever. I love crawling around in that big truck-sized tool box learning how to use the different tools there and if one is missing, someone out in the neighborhood has one I can get – most of the time rent free. I hate that I have so many choices of what to use.

Don’t get me wrong – I am not a Linux Nazi. I just have fun learning and playing and Linux lets me do that but so do Apple and Windows, just not as cheap.  I own and have used all three systems. I use Linux and Windows on a daily basis and as I said before, I get others to do the Apple stuff.

So please fanbois, quit bitching about what is better overall and look at it use.  You don’t use a hammer to put a screw in the wall. It will work but it is not the best tool for the job.

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