Thursday, September 22, 2011

“Day of Vengence”?

mrrockfordThis might get interesting. Sept 24th, a Saturday, chosen as "Day of Vengence" by Anonymous. Will they get arrested for wearing their masks?

Anonymous, or someone pretending to be Anonymous, has declared Saturday, 24 September, as the “Day of Vengence” in retaliation of the arrest of several peaceful protesters wearing masks during the central protest in the NY financial district.

This Anonymous states,

This year, we heard President Barack Obama and Secretary Hillary Clinton say over and over in country after country from the Balkans through the mid-east to Africa that the right to peacefully protest and occupy public space is a right that MUST be respected in every instance.

He goes on in his “rant”,

Anonymous & the other cyber liberation groups around the world together with all the freedom loving people in the USA will NOT stand for this. We will peacefully yet forcefully resist the abuses of the NYC Police Department.

So everyone should check to make sure you have no business with the NYC Police Department on Saturday as you might not be able to connect to the website!  Like I said, this might get interesting.

With that info,

Safer Surfing!

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